"The Classical Academy" is the ballet extension program of Academy of Dance Victoria offering a separate high level ballet program for talented students who show potential for focussed training.
The Classical Academy offers excellence in classical ballet training for students seeking a future career in the industry.
Providing students with a pathway from school aged after school hours training through to part time professional industry relevant dance training with skills that prepare and support each student beyond the studio.
The Classical Academy stands out in its bespoke approach to student development and welfare. Our carefully constructed training programs are designed to specifically meet each dancer’s individual learning needs, nurturing their progression as artists and individuals.
Our faculty’s focus on dancer wellbeing, as well as technical and artistic excellence assists each dancer to flourish within the disciplined world of classical ballet and contemporary dance.
Conveniently located in the Eastern suburbs, the Classical Academy is within close proximity to public transport.
Class sizes within each course are kept deliberately small to ensure the Academy can focus on each student to bring them to their full potential.
Students have successfully gained entry into
Australian Ballet School
Victorian College of the Arts
Ballet teachers workshop finalists
Scholarships and company traineeships